Archeological is the study of the physical remains of the past_ everything from a priceless statue to a garbage tip.It can tell us about societies that existed before written record were made.

  IN THE PAST ,some archeologist were little more than treasure_seekers. Today they use scientific method to analyze their findings,preserve them,and build a picture of the past. Archeologist study artifacts (objects) ,features (building), and ecofact(seeds or animal bones) ,artifacts such as pottery,glass,and metal survive well,although often broken into many fragments. Object made of organic material, such as wood ,leather, fabric, usually rot, but can survive in the sea, river,bogs,desertlike areas, and freezing condition.

By studying the remains of human skeleton, experts can tell how tall people were lived to and what disease they suffered from. Burial often reveal a lot about the social structure of a society, as well as it's belief. Remains such as animal bone and shells can tell us about people's diets,while seeds,pollen,and insect remains can build up a picture of their environment

When archaeologist discover a site they want to examine,they set up an excavation,or dig. Most archaeologist today work on rescue dogs,attempting to record a site before it is destroyed, often by modern construction. Other sites for digs,are identified by looking at map,document, or air photographs,which can reveal traces of building or field's that cannot be seen from ground


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