

            THE ANCIENT WORLD              MAKING TOOLS   T he first known tools were made by HOMO HABILIS more than 2 million years ago. These were very simple tools made from pebbles. Gradually tools became more advanced. People soon discovered that Flint was one of the best tool making material. Not only was it very hard,but it could also be chipped into many different shapes and sizes.        " Stone Age people used Flint blade to skin animal and scrape them clean. The hides were used for making clothes, tents,and bags. Pieces were sewn together using needles made of antler or bone"          Using a PEBBLE as a hammer, early people shaped Flint into sharp-edged hand axes,knives,scrapers,and choopers. When blunt,the edges were resharpened with more chipping. Hand axes are among the oldest known tools,with some dating from about 2 million years ago....


                        THE ANCIENT WORLD              THE FIRST HUMANS  There has been life on earth for some 300 million yeras,but the first humanlike creatures appeared about 7 million years ago. These "man-apes" came down from the trees in which they, like other primate,lived. They walked on two legs and used tools. "THE FIRST HUMANS EVOLUTION" THE TOUMAI SKULL found in Chad,in Africa, in 2002 may be a clue to the oldest hominid or humanlike creatures known. Some scientists think it is 7 million years old. The fossil record then jump to about 4 million years ago, when the Australopithecines lived in Africa. The most complete skeleton of an Australopithecus was found in Ethiopia in 1974. The individual, nickname "Lucy," died about 3 million years ago, aged about 40. She was as tall as a 10- year-old. " AUSTRALOPITHECUS "-(LUCY) The first true human being, know...


                THE ANCIENT WORLD                  FROM PREHISTORIC TIME TO AD 500   The vast period of time from 2.5 million years ago to AD 500 saw the appearance of the first human being and the creation of the first civilization. Our earliest ancestors appeared in Africa some 2.5 million years ago,having evolved from man -apes who came down from the trees and learned to walk upright on two legs. OVER THOUSANDS OF YEARS, people learned how to make Fire to keep themselves warm and to cook their food,how to hunt,and how to make tools. The first ever metal tools and weapons were made in the near East about 7000 years ago    Throughout the world,early people lived by hunting animal and gathering wild fruit, root, and nuts to eat. By 10,000 years ago, however, an extraordinary change was talking places. People learned how to grow their own crops on patches of land and to raise thei...


        ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE.          Archeological is the study of the physical remains of the past_ everything from a priceless statue to a garbage tip.It can tell us about societies that existed before written record were made.   IN THE PAST ,some archeologist were little more than treasure_seekers. Today they use scientific method to analyze their findings,preserve them,and build a picture of the past. Archeologist study artifacts (objects) ,features (building), and ecofact(seeds or animal bones) ,artifacts such as pottery,glass,and metal survive well,although often broken into many fragments. Object made of organic material, such as wood ,leather, fabric, usually rot, but can survive in the sea, river,bogs,desertlike areas, and freezing condition.                       By studying the remains of human skeleton, experts can tell how tall people were lived...

Historical Evidence

                        Historical Evidence Before historian can interpret the past, they must first establish the fact about the event they are studying. Historians look for evidence by researching many document and records,called historical source.       PRIMARY SOURCE: are account written by people involved in the event,and include government and legal papers, will, map,business agreements, letter,and diaries. Historians read a wide range of texts,not just actual account of past events, but also work such as power book,which show the interest and beliefs of people in the past.Historian also look for evidence from government census records and birth,death,and marriage registers.possibly the most famous census ever carried out was the Domesday Book, compile in 1086 by order of William the conqueror ,king of England. This was the first thorough servey of part of the British Isles, detailing who owned the lan...

History of world

                                          History of World Introduction :                            What is History?      Discovering the past  What is History? In its broadest sense,history the story of people_the study of our past.Some historian look at important events,such as war,revolution, and government, while other are interested in ordinary people's lives. Henry Ford,the American car manufacturer,once said "History is bunk," but most people would disagree. Our live today are shaped by decision and action made decades,centuries, or even thousands of years ago. By understanding the past,we may be able to gain a more balanced view of the present.           THE BASIC AIMS :of history are to record and explain our past.Historian study a range of written ...