THE ANCIENT WORLD MAKING TOOLS T he first known tools were made by HOMO HABILIS more than 2 million years ago. These were very simple tools made from pebbles. Gradually tools became more advanced. People soon discovered that Flint was one of the best tool making material. Not only was it very hard,but it could also be chipped into many different shapes and sizes. " Stone Age people used Flint blade to skin animal and scrape them clean. The hides were used for making clothes, tents,and bags. Pieces were sewn together using needles made of antler or bone" Using a PEBBLE as a hammer, early people shaped Flint into sharp-edged hand axes,knives,scrapers,and choopers. When blunt,the edges were resharpened with more chipping. Hand axes are among the oldest known tools,with some dating from about 2 million years ago....